

For nearly 4 months I was completely free of the painful rash and eczema that manifests on my 'bumper' when exposed to mold. Oh, how nice it was, too. But as all things do - they come to an end. Well, it didn't have to, but it came back to my 'end' .. ': (

Now I am dealing with the painful discomfort that comes with the rash. It also means that I am once again forced to remain indoors. I also will be limited to what I can wear and when I can even go anywhere. O' the pain!

This is a real puzzle. I've been staying inside. My wife and I have rarely gone for walks - and when I do go out I wear the mask. So - I don't know what could have caused this to return. I am at my wits end. As nice as they are - the docs aren't much help either.

I guess it's back to the cremes and steroids... not what I wanted to do again.
